At-Home Physical Therapy Services
Without Worry or Surprises…

My PT Comes To Me is a concierge practice that offers patients and their families a medical care experience in the comfort of their own home, without the limitations and restrictions of insurance.

Physical therapist car in front of patient's home, with older couple together - picture

In addition, with Dr. Kipnis’ personalized service, you avoid many of the common problems you can expect from the larger institutional home care physical therapy providers, including:

    • Lack of experience or specialized expertise.
    • Changes in visiting staff with little or no notice.
    • Inconsistent quality of care.
    • Mood and attitude problems.

About Ilena Kipnis, PT, DPT, LVST, CDCS

Doctor of Physical Therapy
Ilena Kipnis, DPT - Image

Ilena Kipnis started a home care agency and opened her first out-patient practice in 1990. Today, after almost 35 years of practicing in an insurance-driven primary care system, Dr. Kipnis saw a growing need for a different in-home care experience – one that isn’t limited by the restrictions of health insurance. That’s why she created My PT Comes To Me, a concierge-style home care alternative.

Ilena earned her undergraduate degree in Physical Therapy from The University of Miami and her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Des Moines University Osteopathic Medical Center.

Over the next few years, the practice grew into a chain of 3 large out-patient clinics. In addition to physical therapy, the clinics also provided occupational therapy, massage therapy, and chiropractic services. The next 26 years would bring over half-a-million patient visits and a wide variety of cases. As a result, Dr. Kipnis brings a uniquely informed clinical wisdom to each patient.

Ilena sold her three clinics to an expanding regional healthcare provider in 2016.

While observing the changing healthcare environment of 2020, Ilena recognized the growing need and importance of at-home care. This led to the opening of her new practice in 2020, which brings her decades of clinical experience and expertise back into the homes of patients where she began in 1990.

Ilena continues to exceed the continuing educational requirements by New Jersey for physical therapists each year. She has been  licensed to practice since 1986, as well as an active APTA (American Physical Therapy Association).

In addition to her formal degrees, other certifications include:

American Physical Therapy Association logo